Hoddlesden St Paul's Church of England Primary School
HomeArt and Design Home and Blended LearningLKS2 Spring 2 Week 1 Art

LKS2 Spring 2 Week 1 Art


This week we are going to create a line drawing to music. We will look at creating a curved line drawing and then how we can add detail within different spaces. You will need some paper, something to draw with and some music 🎵 to listen too- it doesn't matter if you haven't got music as you could still do the task. You might also want to use a black pen and some coloured pencils if you have those.

Related Media

Observational drawing skills

Hi everyone. Here, we look at observational drawing to look closely at a given object. It is important to look and draw and repeat this process throughout your work. I also move on to show you how to use coloured pencils with more detail. Enjoy 😊

Transient Art

Hello everyone. Why don't you try some transient art, using items you can find outdoors. If you don't have access to finding natural resources, you can use different craft supplies, or items like: buttons, beads, jewellery etc. My short video will give you some ideas. Enjoy being creative.

Video 2

Video 2 of observational drawing

Summer 1: week 1 KS1 Learning

LO: to draw using different lines and control the marks I make. This video demonstrates looking at line and shape and the control of marks you make with your pencil.

Drawing with different tools (video 2)

This will give you ideas of drawing with different tools than pencils. Paul Klee saw drawing as essentiality 'taking a line for a walk' so have fun and see what you can create from one simple line. Remember to keep your drawing tool on the paper, or drawing surface, until you finish. The second video shows how you can add details with blocks of colour or by using the close lines of hatching and then crossed lines of cross hatching. You can post photos on the school Facebook page!