Hoddlesden St Paul's Church of England Primary School

Art and Design Home and Blended Learning

LKS2 Lesson 3 Spring 2

You will need an image of Spring shoots, such as Daffodils or Crocuses for your drawing.

LKS2 Lesson 3 Spring 2

KS1 Lesson 3 Spring 2

Spring 2 EYFS lesson 3

Spring 2 lesson 2 for Year 5 and 6

This lesson looks at adding tone to the initial of your name.

Spring 2 lesson 2 for Year 3 and 4

Using tone in a drawings

Spring 2 lesson 2 for KS1

Spring 2 lesson 2 EYFS

UKS2 Spring 2 Week 1 Art

This lesson looks at creating a line drawing using the 5 lines within art. We will create a border to our page and then add line details within a series of straight lines. You will need some paper, a pencil ✏️ and a ruler to do this but might also want to use coloured pens, pencils etc.

LKS2 Spring 2 Week 1 Art

This week we are going to create a line drawing to music. We will look at creating a curved line drawing and then how we can add detail within different spaces. You will need some paper, something to draw with and some music 🎵 to listen too- it doesn't matter if you haven't got music as you could still do the task. You might also want to use a black pen and some coloured pencils if you have those.

KS1 Spring 2 Week 1 Art

This week we look at creating line drawings within 4 sections of our paper. You will need a sheet of paper, a ruler if you have one and a pencil. You can also use coloured pencils and pens, too.

EYFS EAD Spring 2 session 1

Today we will look at different types of lines that we can draw or make. You will need some things to draw with , like chalks or crayons and some paper - you could even work outside. If you have items like sticks and pegs, then you can use these, too.

Spring 1 art task upper KS2

Adding collage to a drawing

Spring 1 art task 5 KS1

Spring 1 art task for LKS2

This looks at using collage with the influence of Henri Matisse

Spring 1 task 5 EYFS

This video looks at the sculptor called Andy Goldsworthy

EYFS Spring 1 task 4

Giuseppe Archimbaldo

Year 3 and 4 Spring 1 task 4 art

Pablo Picasso

Year 5 and 6 Spring 1 task 4

Vincent Van Gogh

Spring 1 EYFS task 3

painting focus: colour mixing

Spring 1 KS1 art task 3

Painting focus: abstract painting task

Spring 1 Year 3 and 4 task 3

UKS2 Spring 1 task 2

Today we look at drawing a landscape- looking out onto the horizon.

LKS2 Year 3 and 4 Spring 1 task 2

Adding texture. First sketch out and try adding texture and detail by covering a section at a time. Try by providing yourself with a base colour to then add different shade and texture using different pencil techniques. Then move on to another section and complete.

Spring 1 task 2 KS1

Control of the types of marks they make within their drawings and make marks from their observations.

Spring 1 task 2 EYFS EAD

Using tools with increasing control and observing shapes within their drawings.

Spring 1 2021 Year 3 and 4 Art

Drawing focus 1:continuous line

key Stage 1 Spring term 2021

Drawing focus

EYFS EAD learning

Drawing focus

Spring term 1 2021 Year 5 and 6

Drawing task 1

EYFS- printing 14/12/20

Mrs Clitheroe shows you how to create a reindeer using hand and finger printing.

Pre- school EAD 14/12/20

Using salt-dough and sculpting skills

Pre-school follow up 14/12/20

Mrs Clitheroe shows you how to paint your salt dough creation.

Year 2 Art lesson- adding detail to animal masks using paint techniques

Year 1 printing lesson

Year two painting 21st September

Printing using a range of small objects

Try printing with a range of small household items.

Summer 2: KS2 Session 2-Printing; creating an impressed print

Summer 2 KS1: Using a range of media and materials

This video looks at combining pva, salt and watercolour to observe the effects it can create. It can also be used for lower KS2 to look at painting on different surfaces.

Summer 2 KS2 Session 1: Printing- creating a relief print

This video looks at creating a relief print.

Design and Technology focus KS1:Session 5

This video looks at making the dish for baby bear using egg boxes and water. The video shows the whole process of making and finishing of the dish. You may want to add a PVA and water wash to finish your product at the end to help put a shine on your work and to prevent cracking.

Design and Technology KS2 focus: task 5

This video is in two parts and you can pause it when you need to.

Summer 1 Session 4 Key stage 2 art: printing ideas

Summer 1 session 4 KS1 art: finger printing

Summer 1 Task 3 Art Pointillism

Summer 1 Task 3 Art: colour mixing

Summer 1 KS2 Design and Technology : Session 2

This video looks at designing a frame.

Summer 1 session 2 Key Stage 1 Design and Technology focus

This week, we will look at designing a dish for Baby Bear 🐻

Summer 1 : Week 1 KS2 learning

LO: Experiment with shade and tone This video demonstrates looking at shading techniques-such as blending, smudging, hatching and cross-hatching Task: Draw a chosen character

Summer 1: week 1 KS1 Learning

LO: to draw using different lines and control the marks I make. This video demonstrates looking at line and shape and the control of marks you make with your pencil.

Video 1 of observational drawing

Video 2 of observational drawing

Observational drawing skills

Hi everyone. Here, we look at observational drawing to look closely at a given object. It is important to look and draw and repeat this process throughout your work. I also move on to show you how to use coloured pencils with more detail. Enjoy 😊

Video 2

Transient Art

Hello everyone. Why don't you try some transient art, using items you can find outdoors. If you don't have access to finding natural resources, you can use different craft supplies, or items like: buttons, beads, jewellery etc. My short video will give you some ideas. Enjoy being creative.

Drawing with different tools (video 1)

This will give you ideas of drawing with different tools than pencils. Paul Klee saw drawing as essentiality 'taking a line for a walk' so have fun and see what you can create from one simple line. Remember to keep your drawing tool on the paper, or drawing surface, until you finish. The second video shows how you can add details with blocks of colour or by using the close lines of hatching and then crossed lines of cross hatching. You can post photos on the school Facebook page!

Drawing with different tools (video 2)

This will give you ideas of drawing with different tools than pencils. Paul Klee saw drawing as essentiality 'taking a line for a walk' so have fun and see what you can create from one simple line. Remember to keep your drawing tool on the paper, or drawing surface, until you finish. The second video shows how you can add details with blocks of colour or by using the close lines of hatching and then crossed lines of cross hatching. You can post photos on the school Facebook page!